Text Color Utilities
Bootstrap Defaults:
By default, Bootstrap has a number of text utilities that you can use to change the text color. The default utilities are semantic by nature.
Extended Utilities:
SB Admin Pro's non-contextual true colors that have been added to the color map are also available as text utilities.
Opacity Text Utilities
Black and white opaque text utilities are available as part of this theme. The .text-black-50 and .text-white-50 utilities are part of Bootstrap, and the 25% and 75% opacity utilities have been added to expand this feature.
Grayscale Text Utilities
SB Admin Pro's adaptive grayscale has been applied to text utilities.
Font Weight Utilities
Bootstrap Defaults:
Bold text.
Bolder weight text (relative to the parent element).
Normal weight text.
Light weight text.
Lighter weight text (relative to the parent element).
By default, Bootstrap has a number of text utilities that you can use to change the font weight.
Extended Utilities:
SB Admin Pro has extended font weight utilities to include specific font weights, for use wherever you want to show a specialized font weight. Note that the font weights are only supported if the font that you are using supports the specified font weight.
Text Transform & Styling Utilities
.small (or .text-sm)
These are some commonly used text style and transform utilities available as part of Bootstrap, with the .text-uppercase-expanded utility being added for extra emphasis in certain scenarios.
Bootstrap Documentation Available

There are a number of text utilities not referenced above that are included with the Bootstrap framework. For more information on using these Bootstrap utilities within your project, visit the official Bootstrap documentation.

Visit Bootstrap Docs